How Can a Lawyer Help After Suffering a Head Injury In a Bicycle Accident?

By September 6, 2024Bicycle Accident

Head injuries are serious. Treating a head injury can mean months or even years of significant medical intervention like surgery or physical rehabilitation. Head injuries can leave you disabled and unable to work. All of this can mean massive bills without the income to keep up with them.

A head injury bicycle accident attorney can help you know your options after a crash and learn more about what compensation you can recover. Contact a skilled personal injury attorney to learn more about how they can help if you have suffered from a head injury in a bicycle accident.

Bicycle Accident Facts

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, bicycle accidents are still prevalent across the country. In 2022, more than 1,000 bicyclists were killed in a traffic accident nationwide. Almost three-fourths of all bicyclist deaths happened in urban areas.

According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), bicyclists remain vulnerable on the road. Per the CDC statistics, nearly 1,000 bicyclists die every year in a traffic accident. More than 130,000 bicyclists are involved in injury-causing accidents every year.

According to the CDC, bicycle accidents are more likely to happen in sections of roads away from intersections (64 percent). Nearly 27 percent of bike accidents happen at intersections. One-third of fatal bicycle accidents involved a drunk driver of a passenger vehicle.

How Serious Are Head Injuries?

Bicycle accident. Biker lying on the road and holding his head

Head injuries are among the most severe types of injuries that a victim might suffer after a bicycle accident. The medical bills that come with treating head injuries are also significant.

There are several levels of brain injuries. Depending on the severity, the victim will show different symptoms and require different treatment.

Minor Brain Injuries

Minor brain injuries usually include mild concussions and bruises to the brain. Common symptoms of minor brain injuries can include dizziness, nausea, and headaches. Treatment typically includes rest. Victims of minor brain injuries usually do not accumulate large medical bills.

Moderate Brain Injuries

Moderate brain injuries can have more of a long-term effect on the victim. These types of injuries include severe contusions and concussions. Symptoms of moderate brain injuries can include memory loss, confusion, and difficulty concentrating. Victims should seek prompt medical attention.

Severe Brain Injuries

Severe brain injuries or traumatic brain injuries (TBI’s) can have a long-term impact on the victim’s long-term cognitive abilities and physical well-being and cause emotional damage. Treatment for severe brain injuries can require major surgery. Victims will likely face an expensive recovery period.

The surrounding circumstances determine the seriousness of a head injury. An attorney will help by evaluating the cause of your accident to hold the responsible party accountable.

Common Types of Head Injuries

The above describes the severity of head injuries, but there are also common types of head injuries that bicycle accident victims face. Some of the most common types of head injuries include the following.

Hemorrhagic Stroke

The impact of the crash does not always cause a hemorrhagic stroke but is a severe consequence of the trauma. This type of stroke is caused by bleeding in the brain, which can be related to the injury.

Penetrating Injury

A penetrating head injury is a severe brain injury. These injuries happen when an object pierces the skull and enters the brain. Penetrating brain injuries require medical attention.

Intracranial Hemorrhage

Intracranial hemorrhage is bleeding within the skull. Intracranial hemorrhage requires a medical evaluation for diagnosis.

Skull Fracture

A skull fracture is a break in the skull’s bone. The fracture can cause serious long-term effects.


A contusion is a bruise to the brain. Contusions happen when the impact of the accident causes the skull to crash against the brain. Contusions typically require medical intervention to be fully treated.


A concussion is a common type of head injury. These are caused by a blow to the head or body during an accident.

How Can a Lawyer Help After Suffering a Head Injury In a Bicycle Accident? 

Head injuries are a severe consequence of bicycle accidents. You will need the best legal team available to ensure that you collect fair compensation after a crash. Contact a lawyer to learn more about your legal right to recover compensation. Here are some practical ways hiring an attorney can help benefit your case.

Attorneys or lawyers are advising clients

You will undoubtedly have many questions after suffering a head injury in a bicycle accident. Having an attorney means you will not have to wonder what step to take after an accident. Your attorney will answer your questions and provide valuable information and guidance to maximize your access to fair financial compensation after a crash.

Assess Damages

An attorney will help you understand and assess your damages. Many accident victims do not truly understand the depth of their losses after an accident. For example, you know that you suffered a severe head injury but might not understand your ability to recover from the long-term effects of the injury, like memory loss or emotional trauma. A professional review of your case can help avoid missing compensable losses.

Negotiate With Insurance Companies

The negotiation phase is an important step after a bicycle accident. Head injuries are often expensive to fully treat and might require time off work. Your economic losses are sure to pile up after a head injury. An insurance company is not concerned with making sure you are fully compensated. However, your attorney is on your side and will work on your behalf to help you get the financial compensation that you deserve after an accident.

Investigation And Evidence Collection

Collecting evidence to help prove your claim is critical to getting financial compensation after an accident. You and your attorney will work together to discover the cause of your head injury and what led up to the accident. Attorneys may have an easier time accessing evidence that can support your case.

Represent You In Court

If your case cannot reach a satisfactory settlement, you might find yourself in a courtroom. The idea of fighting for your rights in a courtroom is intimidating to most accident victims. That is why getting an attorney to do the work for you is the best way to increase your odds of a successful settlement. Hiring an attorney is the best way to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve after a head injury.

Civil cases are subject to various procedural rules. Violating any applicable rules or missing deadlines can be fatal to your claim. For example, the statute of limitations is an important deadline. The statute of limitations is the state law that limits the time a plaintiff has to file a lawsuit. Missing the statute of limitations can mean you no longer have the right to collect compensation after an accident. Working with an attorney is the best way to ensure you meet this and other important deadlines.

Pursue Additional Claims

If your case requires that you pursue a third party or additional claim, having an attorney can help you access those rights more easily. In some cases, the plaintiff will need to file a personal injury lawsuit. An attorney can help you understand the best time for filing an additional claim and the best next steps after exhausting previous options.

How To Choose a Lawyer After a Bicycle Accident

Choosing the best attorney for you after a bicycle accident is vital. However, many accident victims do not know how to choose the best lawyer for their claim. Consider the following before making a choice about which lawyer to hire to represent you.


You need an experienced attorney working on your behalf. The lawyer you choose after an accident must understand how to deal with cases similar to yours. Be sure to ask about the attorney’s experience during your initial consultation.


An attorney’s reputation is vital to the likelihood of a successful accident case. Reputation matters in civil accident cases. An attorney with a good reputation can help navigate interactions with insurance companies easier. On the other hand, having an attorney with a bad reputation can mean you have a harder time getting the compensation you deserve after an accident.


Set up a few consultations with several lawyers. It is your chance to gauge the attorney’s abilities, communication styles, and workload, among other helpful information. Use your consultation as an opportunity to ensure that you are comfortable with your lawyer and their team.

Track Record

Ask about the attorney’s track record. You want an attorney with experience handling similar cases to yours, but you also want an attorney with a successful track record.

Communication Style

Before hiring an attorney, you should understand their communication styles. Learning about their communication style will help set your expectations for when you will hear case updates, whether you can expect a phone call or if you should check your inbox for a new email. You should be confident that your lawyer will update you as your case progresses.


Ensure the lawyer you hire has sufficient resources to help win your case. Pertinent resources include access to expert witnesses, investigators, and support staff.

Referrals And Recommendations

Word-of-mouth advertisement is a great way to find an attorney that works best for you. Ask your friends and family about their opinions about their attorney if they have any experience hiring a bicycle accident attorney after suffering from a head injury.

Trust Your Instincts

Overall, trust your gut when hiring an attorney. Your gut feeling should tell you to feel confident in your lawyer’s abilities and comfortable working with them.

Take your time when you are set to hire an attorney. While working quickly to avoid procedural deadlines is vital, do not rush.

What Compensation Is Available After a Bicycle Accident?

Compensation written on legal paper along with Judge hammer

If you suffered a head injury after a bicycle accident, you might be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Continue reading to learn more about each category of compensation.

Economic Damages

Economic damages refer to the tangible losses an accident victim faces after a bicycle crash. These types of losses are often easy to identify. Despite the obvious nature of economic damages, working with an attorney is still the best way to identify these losses and get the compensation you need to recover financially after a head injury.

Common examples of economic damage include the following.

  • Current and future medical expenses
  • Current and future lost income
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Cost of hiring domestic services
  • Loss of consortium

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages include intangible losses that victims might face after a bicycle accident. These losses are often hard to prove, so working with an experienced bicycle accident lawyer is the best way to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Common examples of non-economic damage include the following.

  • Mental and emotional trauma
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Inconvenience and embarrassment

Punitive Damages

Whether punitive damages are available depends on the facts of your case and the applicable state laws. Punitive damages are not awarded to plaintiffs to compensate for their losses; they are awarded to punish the defendant. If the defendant’s actions were outrageous, courts might award punitive damages to the plaintiff to deter the defendant from acting similarly.

Contact a Bicycle Accident Attorney Today

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You deserve assistance as you attempt to collect compensation after a bicycle accident. Contacting an experienced bicycle accident lawyer is the best way to ensure you recover the financial award you deserve. Contact an attorney today to start putting your life back together.

If you have suffered a head injury in a bicycle accident, it is crucial to seek the assistance of an experienced bicycle accident attorney. A bicycle accident attorney understands the complexities of personal injury law and can guide you through the legal process with confidence. They will work diligently to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and build a strong case on your behalf.

By retaining an attorney, you can focus on your recovery while they handle the negotiations with insurance companies and fight for your rights. Don’t delay, call today.